Farnham Infrastructure Programme
What is the Farnham Infrastructure Programme?
Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council and Farnham Town Council are working together to tackle issues such as congestion and air quality in Farnham and its surrounding areas. This is called the Farnham Infrastructure Programme.
These councils meet on the Farnham Board to discuss the status of the programme and to agree the path forward
Vision Statement
Consultation has now closed - first phase will be implemented in this coming winter and a second phase to include a larger area is being reviewed.
The consultation on 20 mph zones for Town Centre, part of Upper Hale Road and Weydon Lane has been completed
November update from the FIP Team
Final Optimised Infrastructure Plan
The Farnham Board and the Programme Team where provided the Final Draft of the Optimised infrastructure Plan for review on the 17th of September, 7 days before the Farnham Board meeting on the 24th of September.
During the Farnham Board Meeting on the 24th of September, it was agreed that the programme should proceed on the basis of the Final draft subject to comments form the board members (Farnham Infrastructure Board (Hybrid Meeting) 24th September 2021 - YouTube )
The final version was published in October 2021 and can be accessed via the link below
Update on other Farnham Infrastructure Program Projects as of September 2021
The FIP Team advised that they are still working on options which will be shared and consulted with stakeholders, which will include Councillors across the 3 Councils and Officers as well as other stakeholders before submission of the Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC) to the DfT in November 2021.
Completion by 2028
This project now also includes the Water Lane roundabout (verbally advised by Chris Greenwood during the 24th of September Farnham Board meeting).
Town Centre – this now incorporates the LCWIP work
Final Draft of the OIP includes a scheme that doesn't focus on full pedestrianisation. This was broadly welcomed by the Board. There are still some that are keen to see full pedestrianisation.
The programme team will consult on their detailed proposals in the coming months
Wrecclesham bypass and Western Link
Initial work has been completed by the Programme team but not yet shared.
Draft Optimised Infrastructure Plan issued for public consultation
The Public Consultation closed on the 14th of March
Notes from previous public consultation meetings
Consultation meetings on the draft OIP
10-Mar-21 Businesses in Farnham
Watch webinar, Presentation slides,Presentation notes
10-Mar-21 Facebook Live
Facebook Live recording, Presentation slides, Presentation notes
08-Mar-21 Farnham Infrastructure Programme Local Liaison Forum
Watch webinar, Presentation slides
04-Mar-21 Farnham Infrastructure Programme Local Liaison Forum
Watch webinar, Presentation slides
Local Liaison Forums
14-Jan-20 - 3:00pm - Young people and Youth organisations / Schools
Watch webinar, Presentation slides
07-Jan-21 - 6:30pm - Wrecclesham
Watch webinar, Presentation slides , Presentation notes
06-Jan-21 - 6:30pm - North Farnham
Presentation notes , Watch webinar
06-Jan-21 - 3pm - A31 Hickley's Corner
Presentation notes, Watch the webinar
09-Dec-20 - 6.30pm - Town Centre
25-Nov-20 - Community meeting
Watch the webinar, Presentation notes
02-Nov-20 - Businesses in Farnham
21-Oct-20 - Residents’ Associations and The Farnham Society
Launch of Farnham Infrastructure Programme
05-Aug-20 - Launch the Farnham Infrastructure Programme
Watch the webinar,Presentation notes,Questions and answers,Other questions submitted prior to meeting
North Farnham Voice News - 2nd December 2020
Surrey wants to restrict onstreet parking – but do parked cars help keep pedestrians safe ?
Villages fighting for voices to be heard
The Farnham Herald, Thursday 3rd December 2020 - Vol.130 No.22
by Catherine Powell
Upper Hale resident, chartered engineer and founder of North Farnham Voice
THE VILLAGES of north Farnham have been there for hundreds of years – but are now blighted by poor road infrastructure, limited poorly maintained narrow pavements, minimal cycle paths and fast moving-traffic including heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).
One recent survey of local residents found the area “feels neglected and under-resourced compared with elsewhere in the town”.
The message is we need to get out of our cars and get around in other ways, use public transport, walk or cycle. But there are infrequent buses which are prohibitively expensive for some to use.
A return fare from Sandy Hill to the hospital for a parent and two kids under 15 is more than £10, and that is the nearest doctor’s surgery.
Safe walking routes between residential areas and local shops, schools and facilities are almost non-existent and there are limited crossings on the Upper Hale Road and Farnborough Road. The fast-moving traffic often means making a run for it and not everyone is up to that – nor is it safe.
Why don’t more kids cycle to school, they say! Where are the safe cycle route ?
North Farnham residents are, however, coming together to make their voices heard with the North Farnham Voice Group. There is already a Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/groups/northfarnhamvoice ) and plans are afoot for a website.
Residents support the proposal to ban HGVs greater than 7.5 tonnes as proposed under the Farnham Infrastructure Programme, and the need to refresh the speed signage with 20mph zones. However, there are lots of other issues that need to be discussed and addressed.
Proposals to reduce on-carriageway obstructions, including on-street parking, are not supported, as residents want less slower traffic and not faster traffic.
The on-street parking slows traffic down, in places shield pedestrians using the narrow pavements from traffic and helps with crossing the road.
Parking on the pavements is a problem as they are already too narrow in many areas for a pushchair or wheelchair.
The proposal to ban turning right from Upper Hale Road on to Alma Lane is not supported as it would again speed up traffic and just make other roads rat runs and many are very narrow although two way and have no pavements.
What is needed, in addition to banning HGVs, is more pedestrian crossings, traffic calming, reduced speed limits, cycle paths and more frequent and affordable public transport. There is also a real need for more community facilities for example a doctor’s surgery and more youth facilities.
■ Upper Hale residents are invited to have their say on proposed infrastructure changes at a Zoom meeting of the Local Liaison Forum on January 6. See www.farnham.gov.uk/towncouncil/llf for details.
HGV news - 26th November 2020
Town to ban HGV's
The Farnham Herald, Thursday 26th November 2020 - Vol.130 No.21
SCC Latest News
23 November 2020: Proposed weight limit to restrict HGV journeys through Farnham
6 October 2020: Comment on plans to tackle transport and congestion in Farnham
11 August 2020: Forum gives people a voice (Farnham Town Council website)
Recommendations for consultation based on HGV study
Study recommendations presented to Farnham Board on 20th of November
What do you think?
Please do email (admin@northfarnhamvoice.uk) or post on our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/northfarnhamvoice)
Study recommendations presented to Farnham Board on 20th of November
In response to this analysis, our recommendations on the actions to follow are:
Short term / quick wins:
Provision of temporary loading bays (while Covid-19 restrictions are present)
Undertake speed survey of Upper Hale and Town Centre
Liaise with local business to understand willingness to consolidate deliveries in partnership with neighbours
Produce guide / protocol for loading and unloading in the town centre
Provide alternative mailboxes for local residents e.g. Amazon lockers
Implement VMS height warning at Wrecclesham Railway Bridge and
Restrict HGV through-trips via Castle Street / Folly Hill and Upper Hale via weight restriction on A287 (e.g. no vehicles over 7.5T)
To be considered as part of the OIP (longer term):
Introduction of micro-consolidation centres at local locations
Refresh speed signage in Upper Hale / School 20 mph zone (Upper Hale) / 20 mph zone subject to outcome of speed survey
Introduction of loading pads (with timed restrictions) on widened footways
Review of parking capacity variable message signing in town centre
Introduction of consolidation centre at strategic location
Upper Hale - introduction of scheme to reduce on-carriageway obstructions including on-street parking restrictions and / or one-way priority working sections and / or one way system and
Upper Hale - right turn ban (onto Alma Lane)