North Farnham has a lot of planning applications that have been made recently on sites not allocated by the Farnham Neighbourhood plan
How can you get involved?
All of the planning applications and details about them and how to comment on them can be found on the Waverley Website site Waverley Borough Council - Search planning applications , there is also a planning map that shows applications geographically Aurora (
Details of planning applications and the key issues are also regularly shared on the North Farnham Voice Facebook Page, where there is good debate and sharing of thoughts - North Farnham Voice | Facebook
House building in and around North Farnham is currently significant
Sites outside of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan also continue to be submitted by developers and more and more of our green fields and flood plains are under threat
Very large developments over the border in Hampshire and in Guildford continue to be a concern
Farnham Neighbourhood Plan
The Farnham Neighbourhood Plan 2013-2032 was 'made' (adopted) on 3 April 2020 and is now used to help determine applications for development in Farnham.
You can access a copy via the link below
Appendix 2 including proposed development sites
Appendix 3 including proposed business sites
Appendix 4 including neighbourhood centres
Housing development sites included in the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan
Red boundary defines the Built Up Area boundary
Waverley Local Plan
Local Plan Part 1
The Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites (LPP1) sets out the Council's spatial framework for delivering the development and change needed to realise our vision for development in Waverley up to 2032.
View Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites
LPP1 replaces a number of policies from Local Plan 2002. Some of the Local Plan 2002 policies have been retained until the adoption of Local Plan Part 2.
Local Plan Part 2
Local Plan Part 2 (LPP2) will form the second stage of Waverley's new Local Plan. Together with Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites (LPP1) this document will replace the 2002 Local Plan.
LPP1 specifies the overall spatial strategy for development and growth in Waverley, and allocated strategic sites. LPP2 will provide the more detailed 'Development Management' policies, review a suite of local designations and will allocate sites needed for housing or other uses in certain areas of Waverley.
Timetable for Local Plan Part 2
Pre-submission consultation (closed)
The pre-submission consultation on Local Plan Part 2 began ran from 27 November 2020 to 29 January 2021. You can still view the documents below.
Download the Draft Submission Local Plan Part 2
View the consultation responses
Evidence documents
What happens next?
The Council is currently going out for a further consultation on the proposals for Haslemere, once this has been completed the Council will submit the Local Plan Part 2 to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for examination by an appointed Inspector.