North Farnham Challenges
What are the challenges we face in North Farnham
- Traffic and poor air quality leading to road safety and health issues
- Lack of connectivity and public transport
- Lack of pedestrian / cycling provision – limited pavements and cycle paths
- Lack of public amenities
- No Doctors surgery in North Farnham
- Only one Pharmacy
- Insufficient school places for population and increased pressure on places due to large housing developments to the North in Hampshire
- A number of areas are susceptible to flooding from the water courses in the local area and also from surface water runoff.
Where do the pedestrians go?
Limited safe pedestrian routes
Maps the high number of unadopted roads and those with no pavement or inadequate pavements in Upper Hale, Heath End and Hale. No blue or red edging means NO PAVEMENT AT ALL, red is less that 1.5m wide!
Pedestrian Safety
We are all being encouraged to walk more but with fast moving traffic including HGVs, narrow poorly maintained pavements and limited pedestrian crossings, road safety is a really issue.
What can be done to improve the current situation and get more people walking?
Let us know by emailing ( or better still posting on our Facebook page so others can also get involved (
Narrow section of poorly maintained pavement on the Upper Hale Road near the Hale and Heath End Social Club - there is no pavement on the other side of the road
Fast moving two way traffic in the narrow section of the Farnborough Road near St John's Church. How safe would you feel walking on the narrow section of pavement?
The Ideal pavement width is 1.8m to allow for two wheelchairs to pass. In some areas there are no pavements on either side of the road. On the main roads there are sections with less than 0.5m right next to HGVs! This is on the Farnborough Road.
Another section of the Upper Hale Road, fortunately the HGV pulled out as he went past!
An HGV ban (except for loading) was introduced on the Upper Hale Road on the 4th of October 2021. A community HGV Watch is now in operation is you would like to get involved please contact (your local Surrey County Councillor)
Compared to other areas of the town the signage is poor
Would this be better?
Let us know by emailing ( or better still posting on our Facebook page so others can also get involved (
Current entrance signage to Heath End
Compared to other areas of the town the signage is poor
Would this be better?
Let us know by emailing ( or better still posting on our Facebook page so others can also get involved (
Entrance to Wrecclesham today
What about cycle paths
The Farnham Cycling Campaign what to see more cycle paths - what do you think?
Let us know by emailing ( or better still posting on our Facebook page so others can also get involved (
Public Transport is currently pretty limited
The No. 4 bus only runs once an hour.
Timetables and maps via the link below
What changes could be made to the buses to increase usage?
Let us know by emailing ( or better still posting on our Facebook page so others can also get involved (
Blackwater valley map
Public Amenities
There is no Doctor's surgery in North Farnham, the nearest are at the Hospital and in the centre of town in Downing Street.
A return bus fare from Sandy Hill to the Hospital for an adult and two children under 15 is more than £10. Does this limit people going to the Doctors?
If there was a more local doctor's surgery would you use it? What about in Sandy Hill?
Let us know by emailing ( or better still posting on our Facebook page so others can also get involved (
What would help residents make the most of the amenities we do have? For example, Hale Recreation Ground, Caesars Camp, Farnham Park and Badshot Lea Green.
One suggestion has been a bandstand on Hale Recreation Ground similar to the one in Gostrey Meadow, what do you think?
What about outdoor gyms?
What about a youth centre in Sandy Hill?
Let us know by emailing ( or better still posting on our Facebook page so others can also get involved (
Potential for flooding
Learn more about flood risk - GOV.UK (
Areas at risk due to water courses
Areas at risk due to surface water runoff