Waverley Local Plan

The Waverley Local Plan Part 1

The Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites (LPP1) sets out the Council's spatial framework for delivering the development and change needed to realise our vision for development in Waverley up to 2032.

You can access the Waverley Local Plan Part 1 via the link below

Waverley Local Plan Part 1

The Farnham Neighbourhood Plan is the primary document for development in the Farnham area as it defines specifically how the allocation of new required developments in the Waverley Local Plan Part 1 will be met in Farnham

Consultation on the Waverley Local Plan Part 2 closed on 29th of January 2021

A representation was made on behalf of those in the North Farnham Voice Group who agreed to have it sent in their name see file below

LPP2 response - North Farnham Voice - Readacted.pdf